Moderator Information

last edited: May 9, 2023

Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer Moderator for A & M Art Fight. We are grateful for any help we receive especially during an active A & M Art Fight. As administrators and hosts, we are very flexible and will work with any schedule.

At this time, we are not looking for moderators. We will announce when positions are open in our Discord server.

We are looking for people who are:

  • 18 years old or older.
  • Able to work in a small team setting and has a strong set of principles for more subjective administrative concerns (e.g. user review).
  • Able to effectively communicate and handle any issues that arise in a timely and concise manner.
  • Able to enforce the applicable rules and blacklist and can answer most relevant questions about the server and the event.
  • Able to use the basic Google suite (Docs, Sheets, Forms) to help with administrative and event workflow.
  • Able to understand and use most Discord features (e.g. know how to spoiler images on mobile Discord)
For event moderators, we require you to have an active Google email, or an email connected to a Google account, for ease of access between Google suite documents.
Event moderators also have extra responsibilities:
  • Able to look over multiple works and give points according to the appropriate scoring guide.
  • (optional) Promote and highlight posts related to the event (announcements, works, etc.) and interact with and encourage members in a positive manner.

All experience levels are welcome to apply. We are excited for you to bring your skills to the table. The password for the application form is “check out our new neocities website”. Good luck!

WARNING: Being a moderator exposes you to potentially triggering material or situations during the event. Please let the administrators know if you have any high concern triggers and we will work to accommodate you as best as we can.

WARNING: Because this is a voluntary role, we cannot compensate you for the time and effort you will be investing during the event. Please do not apply if you are expecting any type of compensation.

Applications are closed.